HP Reverb G2 vs HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition

When you compare the HP Reverb G2 to the HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

The HP Reverb G2 and the HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition are both highly advanced virtual reality headsets that offer great immersive experiences. When comparing these two products, it is important to consider their specs, design, and performance.

The most obvious difference between the two is that the Omnicept edition has facial tracking capabilities, whereas the original does not. This adds a layer of complexity to user interaction with the headset, allowing for more lifelike interactions within virtual reality. Both headsets have a wide field of view (114°) and an impressive 2160 x 2160 px resolution display. The refresh rate on both models is also high at 90 Hz for smooth visuals and no lag in gameplay.

In terms of performance, both models require an Intel Core i5 or better processor along with either Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 5700 graphics cards for optimal gaming experience. However, if you plan on using your VR headset for professional workstation purposes such as engineering or design applications then you may need to upgrade to a more powerful GPU such as Nvidia Quadro P5200 or AMD Radeon Pro WX 8200 depending on what software you will be running. As far as operating systems go, they’re both compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 so there won’t be any issues there either way.

From my personal experience with these two headsets I found that they were both equally comfortable and provided good levels of immersion in VR worlds despite having slightly different specs due to the facial tracking feature included in the Omnicept Edition model. Despite this however, I personally preferred using the original model simply because it was simpler and did not require additional calibration when starting up each time compared to the extra steps required when using the Omnicept Edition version (which includes registering your face etc). In summary while they are both great products overall I would recommend going with the regular HP Reverb G2 over its upgraded counterpart unless you specifically need facial recognition features integrated into your VR headset usage experience!

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

HP Reverb G2HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition
Model NameReverb G2Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition
Release Date202052021
Country of OriginUnited StatesUnited States
CategoryMixed RealityMixed Reality
Field of View114°114°
Resolution2160 x 2160 px2160 x 2160 px
Refresh Rate90 Hz90 Hz
Display TypeLCD LCD
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel Core i5, i7 or Intel Xeon E3-1240 v5, equivalent or better. AMD Ryzen 5 equivalent or betterIntel Core i5, i7 or Intel Xeon E3-1240 v5, equivalent or better. AMD Ryzen 5 equivalent or better
Min. Graphics RequiredNvidia GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 5700​ or Professional Workstation: Nvidia Quadro P5200 or AMD Radeon Pro WX 8200​
Min. RAM Required8 GB8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows
Weight550 g727 g
Dimensions186 x 75 x 84 mm253 x 290 x 110 mm
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YESYES
Front Camera?YESYES
Eye Tracking?YES
Built in Headphones?YESYES
IPD Adjustment?YESYES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YESYES
Display Port?YESYES
Mini Display Port?YESYES

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