Oculus Quest vs Engo 2

When you compare the Oculus Quest to the Engo 2 you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

Oculus QuestOculus Quest


Based on 1 reviews


What VR Headset is better?

I have used both the Oculus Quest and Engo 2 virtual reality headsets and have been impressed with their features. The Oculus Quest is a standalone VR headset that has an impressive 95° field of view, 1600 x 1440 px resolution, and a refresh rate of 72 Hz. It also boasts 360 tracking and room scale capabilities, allowing for immersive experiences without needing to be tethered to a computer or console.

The Engo 2 is the latest headset from Engo, currently in its pre-release stage. This standalone AR headset offers 10° field of view, along with 304 x 256 resolution. While it does not offer as wide a field of view as the Oculus Quest does, it makes up for it with its specialized augmented reality capabilities that allow for fully immersive gaming experiences.

In terms of comfortability and design I found both headsets to be quite ergonomic. Both feature adjustable straps which can be adjusted to fit comfortably on your head regardless of size or shape. The build quality on both devices was good however the Oculus Quest feels slightly more robust due to its thicker construction material while the lighter weight of the Engo 2 makes it easier to wear during extended sessions.

If you're looking for an immersive experience that allows you to explore other worlds then I would recommend the Oculus Quest over the Engo 2 because it's more capable in terms of visuals and immersion due to its higher resolution display and larger field of view along with its advanced tracking capabilities allowing for seamless movement within virtual environments without issue or lag. On the other hand if you're looking for a device specifically designed for augmented reality applications then I'd go with the Engo 2 as it offers great performance when interacting with digital objects in real-world environments due to its optimized design for augmented reality content consumption.

Overall I personally preferred using the Oculus Quest because I felt like I got better immersion out of my gaming sessions compared to what I experienced when using the Engo 2 despite enjoying some fun moments playing augmented reality games on this device too

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Oculus QuestEngo 2
Model NameQuestEngo 2
Release Date2019
Country of OriginUnited States
CategoryStandalone VRStandalone AR
Battery Life3 h
Field of View95°10°
Resolution1600 × 1440 px (per eye)304x256
Refresh Rate72 Hz
Display TypeOLEDSingle AMOLED monocular
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel i5-4590 or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or greater
Min. Graphics RequiredNvidia Titan X GTX 1060 or GTX 1070 or RTX 20 series
Min. RAM Required8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows
Weight571 g36g
Dimensions190.5 x 104.14 x 114.3 mm
Room Scale?YES
360 Tracking?YES
Positional Tracking?YES
Front Camera?No
Eye Tracking?No
Usable with Glasses?YES
Cooling SystemYES
Built in Headphones?YES
Built in Microphone?YES
Flip Visor?YES
Voice Command?YES
IPD Adjustment?YES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?No
Display Port?YES
Mini Display Port?No

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