Valve Index vs Pimax Vision 5K Super

When you compare the Pimax Vision 5K Super to the Valve Index you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

Comparing the Pimax Vision 5K Super and Valve Index virtual reality headsets is an interesting task, as both of them have their own pros and cons. The Vision 5K Super offers a wide field of view, with up to 200° FOV, which is definitely a pro for users who want more immersion in the virtual world. It also has higher resolution than the Index headset at 2560 x 1440 px, along with a refresh rate of 180 Hz. This makes it ideal for gamers that require high levels of detail and smooth gameplay. However, it also requires higher hardware specs than its rival; namely an Intel I5-9400 processor or better and an Nvidia GTX 1080Ti graphics card or better. This may make it inaccessible to some users on a budget.

The Valve Index is no slouch either, offering decent specifications such as 130° FOV and 1440 × 1600 px resolution; which although not as impressive as its rival still provides plenty of details and vibrancy to the VR experience. Its refresh rate is also higher than most other competitors at 120 Hz, making gameplay feel much smoother even with lower end hardware requirements like GeForce GTX 970 / AMD RX480 or better. On the downside though, its slightly smaller field of view can detract from total immersion compared to other headsets like the Vision 5K Super.

In my opinion, both headsets are great options depending on what you are looking for in your virtual reality experience - if you need maximum immersion then I would recommend going for the Vision 5K Super due to its wider field of view and higher resolution display; however if you’re looking for something more affordable then the Valve Index could be just what you’re after due to its lower minimum spec requirement but still very good performance specs overall.

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Pimax Vision 5K SuperValve Index
Model NameVision 5K SuperIndex
Release Date1220202019
Country of OriginChinaUnited States
CategoryPC VRPC VR
Battery Life7 h
Field of View150 - 200°130°
Resolution2560 x 1440 px1440 × 1600 px
Refresh Rate180 Hz120 Hz
Display TypeCLPLLCD
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU Requiredlntel I5-9400 or better
Min. Graphics RequiredNVIDIA GTX 1080Ti or betterNvidia GeForce GTX 970 / AMD RX480
Min. RAM Required8 GB8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows
Weight809 g
Dimensions280 x 108 x 136 mm609.6 x 431.8 x 228.6 mm
Room Scale?YES (optional)YES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YES
Front Camera?YES
Eye Tracking?YES (optional)No
Usable with Glasses?YES
Cooling SystemYES
Built in Headphones?YES
Built in Microphone?YES
Flip Visor?YES
Voice Command?No
IPD Adjustment?YESYES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES
Display Port?YESNo
Mini Display Port?No

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