Xiaomi Mijia vs FIBRUM PRO

When you compare the Xiaomi Mijia to the FIBRUM PRO you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

When it comes to comparing the two virtual reality headsets, Xiaomi Mijia and FIBRUM PRO, there are some clear pros and cons to consider.

The Xiaomi Mijia headset is an upcoming standalone AR device with no need for a phone or computer. This means that you get the full experience of augmented reality without having to deal with external devices, making this a pro in many regards. Additionally, its focus on portability makes it highly accessible.

On the other hand, the FIBRUM PRO headset is a smartphone VR device, meaning that you will have to connect your phone in order to use it. Its 110° field of view provides great immersion into the virtual world but can be limiting depending on what kind of content you’re looking for. It also has 360 tracking capabilities which makes moving around and interacting more comfortable than some other systems.

In my personal opinion, I would say that both headsets offer something unique and different so it really depends on what you’re looking for from your experience in VR. The Xiaomi Mijia offers a lot of convenience due to its portable nature while the FIBRUM PRO offers a higher level of immersion thanks to its larger field of view and 360 tracking capability. Therefore I would say either one could be suitable depending on your needs as long as they fit within your budget.

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Xiaomi MijiaFIBRUM PRO
Model NameMijiaPRO
Release Date2016
Country of OriginRussian Federation
CategoryStandalone ARSmartphone VR
Field of View110°
Display TypeSingle Micro-OLED monocular
Minimum Requirements
Operating SystemsAndroid,iOS
Weight100g120 g
360 Tracking?YES

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