Lenovo Explorer vs Samsung HMD Odyssey+

When you compare the Lenovo Explorer to the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

I have used both the Lenovo Explorer and the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ virtual reality headsets, and I believe they are two great products. In my opinion, it is difficult to choose one of them as better because there are pros and cons for each. The Lenovo Explorer has a higher resolution of 2880 × 1440 px which allows for greater detail in your virtual environment, however it requires Intel Mobile Core i5 Dual-Core with Hyperthreading minimum CPU and Intel HD Graphics 620 (GT2) minimum graphics. This might be off-putting to some users who don't have such high tech requirements or those that only want to use VR casually. The Samsung HMD Odyssey+ has a slightly lower resolution at 1440 × 1600 px, but does not require such an advanced system; instead running on Windows alone. This could be seen as both a pro and con depending on how powerful you need your VR headset to be.

Both headsets also feature room scale 360 tracking which is an excellent addition if you're looking to move around your virtual environment freely without disruption. Each also has 90 Hz refresh rate so images appear smooth while using either headset. Overall, both the Lenovo Explorer and the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ offer great features but cater towards different types of people: those needing more power versus those wanting something more casual or straightforward that won't require upgrading hardware anytime soon.

Personally, I would opt for the Lenovo Explorer as it offers more power under the hood for a smoother experience, even though its hardware requirements may be too much for some users. However if budget or time constraints stop you from investing in high-tech specs then going with the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ might be your best bet since no extra changes would need to occur aside from setting up Windows itself.

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Lenovo ExplorerSamsung HMD Odyssey+
Model NameExplorerHMD Odyssey+
Release Date20172018
Country of OriginChinaSouth Korea
CategoryPC VRPC VR
Battery Life12 h
Field of View110°110°
Resolution2880 × 1440 px1440 × 1600 px (per eye)
Refresh Rate90 Hz90 Hz
Display TypeLCD AMOLED
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel Mobile Core i5 Dual-Core with Hyperthreading
Min. Graphics RequiredIntel HD Graphics 620 (GT2)
Min. RAM Required8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows
Weight380 g590 g
Dimensions185 × 95 × 102 mm
Room Scale?YESYES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YESYES
Front Camera?YES
Eye Tracking?No
Usable with Glasses?YESYES
Cooling SystemNo
Built in Headphones?NoYES
Built in Microphone?NoYES
Flip Visor?YES
Voice Command?YES
IPD Adjustment?YESYES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES
Display Port?YESYES

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