Microsoft HoloLens vs Google Glass Enterprise Edition

When you compare the Microsoft HoloLens to the Google Glass Enterprise Edition you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

When it comes to virtual reality headsets, the Microsoft HoloLens and Google Glass Enterprise Edition provide users with two different experiences. Both of these devices are designed to create an immersive, virtual reality experience.

The first device is the Microsoft HoloLens. This is a mixed reality headset that offers a wide field of view of 35° as well as a resolution of 1440 × 1440 px. It runs on the Windows operating system and features room-scale 360 tracking along with a refresh rate of 90 Hz. The major pro for this headset is its wide field of view that allows users to get the most out of their VR experience, while providing good image quality thanks to its high resolution display. Additionally, it's also equipped with some great features such as room-scale tracking and refresh rates that make it enjoyable to use in extended periods.

However, one con for this headset would be its lack of compatibility with other platforms due to running solely on Windows OS and not offering support for other platforms like macOS or Android. Another potential downside could be its cost since it’s one of the more expensive headsets available in the market today.

The second device we have here is the Google Glass Enterprise Edition, which is an AR glasses type headset designed specifically for enterprise purposes like factory work etc. This device has been optimized to help increase productivity levels in work environments by providing hands free access to necessary applications and data during operations through voice commands or gestures made by head movements etc., which can be beneficial when multitasking or trying to remain hands free during certain tasks involving machines etc.. One pro would be its compatibility with multiple platforms such as Windows, Android & iOS allowing users from any platform access without requiring them having special hardware requirements beforehand thus making it more accessible for various types of consumers looking for AR capabilities in their enterprises or just want an upgrade from existing equipment . Additionally ,it also has good battery life which can last up 8 hours per charge making it ideal for long shifts at work .

A downside however could potentially be its limited functionality compared to others due mostly because its focus was design more towards enterprise use but nonetheless still provides plenty enough options especially when used correctly within the correct context .

After taking both products into consideration , I personally found myself preferring using the Microsoft HoloLens due mostly because I felt more immersed into my VR experience than compared when using Google Glass Enterprise Edition though both do have their pros & cons depending on what you intend on doing while wearing them respectively . All things considered though ,both headsets offer something different that appeals towards specific contexts so if you’re looking into purchasing either product then deciding based on your needs should hopefully lead you towards finding satisfaction when comparing both products against each other !

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Microsoft HoloLensGoogle Glass Enterprise Edition
Model NameHoloLensGlass Enterprise Edition
Release Date20162017
Country of OriginUnited StatesUnited States
CategoryMixed RealityAR Glasses
Battery Life2.5 h
Field of View35°
Resolution1440 × 1440 px (per eye)
Refresh Rate90 Hz
Display TypeLCD
Minimum Requirements
Min. RAM Required2 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows
Weight579 g40 g
Room Scale?YES
360 Tracking?YES
Positional Tracking?YES
Front Camera?YES
Eye Tracking?YES
Usable with Glasses?YESYES
Cooling SystemYES
Built in Headphones?YES
Built in Microphone?YESYES
Flip Visor?YES
Voice Command?YESYES
IPD Adjustment?YES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES
Display Port?No
Mini Display Port?No

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