Microsoft HoloLens vs Samsung Gear VR

When you compare the Microsoft HoloLens to the Samsung Gear VR you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

I have recently had the chance to compare and review two of the top virtual reality headsets on the market: Microsoft HoloLens and Samsung Gear VR. In my experience, both headsets offer a great level of immersive experiences that can be enjoyed by all.

In terms of field of view, Microsoft HoloLens has a field of view (FOV) of 35°, while Samsung Gear VR has an impressive 101° FOV. This provides for greater immersion in games or apps which require larger viewing angles. The resolution is also much higher on the Samsung Gear VR at 2560 x 1440 px versus the 1440 x 1440 px offered by Microsoft HoloLens. This increased resolution helps to provide a more crisp and clear image when playing games or watching movies with either headset. Both headsets also feature 360 tracking and room scale capabilities, allowing users to take advantage of natural movements when interacting with virtual worlds.

The refresh rate is one area where there is a notable difference between these two products; Microsoft HoloLens offers a 90 Hz refresh rate while Samsung Gear VR offers 60 Hz refresh rate. A higher refresh rate helps to ensure that motion appears smooth without stuttering or other artifacts appearing during use which could affect gameplay experience negatively.

When it comes down to personal preference and opinion, I found myself leaning slightly towards using Samsung Gear VR over Microsoft HoloLens due primarily to its larger field of view and improved resolution capabilities as well as its higher refresh rate providing smoother motion than what was available on the Hololens headset. However, both are great pieces of technology which offer users an immersive experience regardless of their preferences or requirements for their virtual reality needs

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Microsoft HoloLensSamsung Gear VR
Model NameHoloLensGear VR
Release Date20162017
Country of OriginUnited StatesSouth Korea
CategoryMixed RealitySmartphone VR
Battery Life2.5 h3 h
Field of View35°101°
Resolution1440 × 1440 px (per eye)2560 x 1440 px
Refresh Rate90 Hz60 Hz
Display TypeLCD Display of inserted smartphone
Minimum Requirements
Min. RAM Required2 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsAndroid
Weight579 g345 g
Dimensions207 × 121 × 99 mm
Room Scale?YESYES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YESNo
Front Camera?YESNo
Eye Tracking?YESYES
Usable with Glasses?YESNo
Cooling SystemYESNo
Built in Headphones?YESNo
Built in Microphone?YESNo
Flip Visor?YESNo
Voice Command?YESYES
IPD Adjustment?YESNo
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YESYES
Display Port?NoYES
Mini Display Port?NoYES

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