Oculus Quest 2 vs HTC VIVE Flow

When you compare the Oculus Quest 2 to the HTC VIVE Flow you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

When it comes to VR headsets, the Oculus Quest 2 and the HTC VIVE Flow offer different experiences for users. Both have excellent specifications, but which one is right for you?

The Oculus Quest 2 has an 1832 x 1920 px resolution and a 97° field of view. It also has a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 CPU built in and runs on Android 10. It offers room scale tracking and 360 degree tracking with a refresh rate of 72 Hz. Pros include the relatively high resolution and large field of view, while cons include slightly lower refresh rate than its competition. In addition, due to its lightweight design, it's easier to carry around if needed.

The HTC VIVE Flow has 1600 x 1600px resolution with a 100° field of view and runs on Android. It offers 360 degree tracking with a 75 Hz refresh rate. The pros here are that it offers higher refresh rates compared to the Quest 2 as well as improved graphics performance thanks to the higher resolution display . The cons however are that it’s heavier than other headsets on the market, making it difficult to move around or transport from place to place without extra effort..

In my experience using both devices I found that each had their own unique advantages depending on what type of user you are looking for. The Oculus Quest 2 is great for those who want something portable and lightweight with good visuals, while the HTC VIVE Flow is better suited for those who want more immersive graphics capabilities at home or in larger spaces such as arcades or theaters. Personally I found that I preferred using the Oculus Quest 2 because its portability made it much easier for me to take it anywhere with me when I wanted to play VR games or watch movies in VR without having to worry about transporting bulky hardware.

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Oculus Quest 2HTC VIVE Flow
Model NameQuest 2VIVE Flow
Release Date131020202112021
Country of OriginUnited StatesTaiwan
CategoryStandalone VRStandalone VR
Battery Life3 h
Field of View97°100°
Resolution1832 x 1920 px1600 x 1600 (per eye)
Refresh Rate72 Hz75 Hz
Display TypeLCD LCD
Minimum Requirements
Operating SystemsAndroid
Weight503 g189 g
Dimensions​192 x 102 x 143 mm
Room Scale?YES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Usable with Glasses?YESYES
Cooling SystemYES
Built in Headphones?YES
Built in Microphone?YES
IPD Adjustment?YES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES

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