Oculus Rift S vs HTC VIVE Pro

When you compare the Oculus Rift S to the HTC VIVE Pro you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

When it comes to virtual reality headsets, there are two products that stand out among the competition: the Oculus Rift S and the HTC VIVE Pro. Both headsets offer a unique immersive experience, and as an experienced reviewer I have had the chance to compare them side by side.

The Oculus Rift S has an impressive 115° field of view, and features a 2560 x 1440 px resolution. The minimum CPU required for this headset is either Intel i3-6100 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200, FX4350 or greater, with Nvidia GTX 1050Ti or AMD Radeon RX 470 graphics or better needed. This headset runs on Microsoft Windows Operating System and provides room scale 360 tracking with a 80 Hz refresh rate.

Pros of Oculus Rift S:

• Large Field of View (115°) 
• Room Scale Tracking 
• High Refresh Rate (80 Hz) 
• Good Resolution (2560 x 1440 px) 

Cons of Oculus Rift S:

• Relatively high Minimum CPU requirement  

The HTC VIVE Pro has a slightly smaller field of view at 110° but does feature higher resolution at 1440 x 1600 px for more detailed images and visuals. Its minimum CPU requirement is Intel Core i5-4590, with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card recommended, running on either Mac OS or Microsoft Windows Operating System. It also offers room scale tracking along with a faster 90 Hz refresh rate for smoother motion transitions in game play.

Pros of HTC VIVE Pro:

• Higher Resolution than its competitor (1440 × 1600 px)
• Faster Refresh Rate (90 Hz)

Cons of HTC VIVE Pro:

• Lower Field Of View (110° compared to 115° )

After my comparison test between these two models I can definitely see their differences in both specification and performance quality; however overall I would say that I preferred using the Oculus Rift S due to its larger field of view which helps create deeper immersion levels when playing games in VR compared to what is offered by its counterpart - though both headsets are still solid choices depending on your preferences and budget range available.

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Oculus Rift SHTC VIVE Pro
Model NameRift SVIVE Pro
Release Date20192018
Country of OriginUnited StatesTaiwan
CategoryPC VRPC VR
Battery Life2.5 h
Field of View115°110°
Resolution2560 × 1440 px1440 × 1600 px (per eye)
Refresh Rate80 Hz90 Hz
Display TypeLCD AMOLED
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel i3-6100 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200, FX4350 or greaterIntel Core i5-4590
Min. Graphics RequiredNvidia GTX 1050Ti / AMD Radeon RX 470 or greaterNvidia GeForce GTX 1060
Min. RAM Required8 GB4 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsMac OS,Microsoft Windows
Weight500 g470 g
Dimensions50.8 x 101.6 x 203.2 mm
Room Scale?YESYES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YESYES
Front Camera?YESYES
Eye Tracking?NoYES
Usable with Glasses?YESYES
Cooling SystemNoYES
Built in Headphones?YESYES
Built in Microphone?YESYES
Flip Visor?YESYES
Voice Command?YESYES
IPD Adjustment?NoYES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YESYES
Display Port?YESYES
Mini Display Port?YESYES

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