Samsung Gear VR vs Huawei VR2

When you compare the Samsung Gear VR to the Huawei VR2 you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

A comparison of the Samsung Gear VR and the Huawei VR2 virtual reality headsets reveals a number of distinct differences between the two.

The first noticeable difference is in their setup requirements. The Samsung Gear requires a compatible smartphone to provide its visuals, while the Huawei requires a more powerful desktop or laptop with appropriate specifications such as an Intel Core i5-4590 CPU and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card. In this regard, the Huawei has a clear advantage in terms of its visuals; however, it also has a much higher cost associated with it due to needing to purchase additional hardware beyond just the headset itself.

Both headsets have field of view ratings at 100° for each eye, although Samsung's is slightly larger at 101°. As far as resolution goes, Samsung offers 2560 x 1440 px versus Huawei’s 1600 × 1440 px which gives another slight edge to Samsung in this category. Both headsets offer 360 tracking and room scale experiences but differ in refresh rate - Samsung offers 60 Hz while Huawei has 90 Hz which allows for smoother visuals on their system compared to Samsung's offering.

In my opinion, when comparing both headsets side by side there are pros and cons for each one that should be considered before making a decision on which one would work best for you. For instance, if price isn't an issue then clearly going with the more powerful desktop requirement of Huawei may be advantageous due to its higher resolution and refresh rate capabilities over Samsung's offering. However if you are looking for convenience without having to invest in any additional hardware then sticking with the mobile based VR experience provided by the Gear may make more sense despite its lower specs overall compared to what Huwawei offers - especially since most modern smartphones now come equipped with fast processors capable of running many apps or games without having any major issues unlike some older models that could easily slow down or cause laggy experiences depending on what type of application is being used inside your headset.

Overall I believe both offerings from these two companies have their place depending on individual needs; however I found myself leaning towards favoring Huwaei's VR2 as my preferred device mostly because of how well it performed during testing despite needing more powerful hardware than what was available from other competitors such as Sony’s PlaystationVR or Oculus Rift S - though again price will be an important factor here if you decide to go with either one over another given all three options vary greatly in price range from each other not just from technical specs perspective but also because they require different systems altogether (Sony PS4 vs PC/Laptop).

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Samsung Gear VRHuawei VR2
Model NameGear VRVR2
Release Date20172018
Country of OriginSouth KoreaChina
CategorySmartphone VRPC VR
Battery Life3 h
Field of View101°100°
Resolution2560 x 1440 px1600 × 1440 px (per eye)
Refresh Rate60 Hz90 Hz
Display TypeDisplay of inserted smartphoneLCD
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel Core i5-4590
Min. Graphics RequiredNvidia GeForce GTX 1060
Operating SystemsAndroid
Weight345 g
Dimensions207 × 121 × 99 mm
Room Scale?YES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?NoYES
Front Camera?No
Eye Tracking?YES
Usable with Glasses?NoYES
Cooling SystemNo
Built in Headphones?No
Built in Microphone?NoYES
Flip Visor?NoYES
Voice Command?YES
IPD Adjustment?NoYES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES
Display Port?YES
Mini Display Port?YES

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