Varjo Aero vs Iristick G2

When you compare the Varjo Aero to the Iristick G2 you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

What VR Headset is better?

I recently had the opportunity to review two of the latest virtual reality headsets, the Varjo Aero and Iristick G2. My goal was to compare their features and performance, as well as give my opinion on which headset is better suited for different types of users.

The Varjo Aero is a PC-powered virtual reality headset, with a 115° field of view and resolution of 2880x2720px. It requires at least an Intel Core i5-4590, Intel Xeon E5-1620, or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X processor along with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/2060, RTX A2000 or Quadro RTX 4000 graphics card. The operating system must be Microsoft Windows and it offers room scale 360 tracking and a 90 Hz refresh rate.

Pros: The Varjo Aero has excellent visuals thanks to its high resolution display and wide field of view. Its room scale tracking makes it perfect for larger games and experiences that require movement in every direction. And its higher refresh rate makes it suitable for use in competitive gaming scenarios or while playing action packed titles that require precise controls and reaction times.

Cons: This device requires more advanced hardware than many users will have available on their computers making it inaccessible for some people. And the cost of purchasing these components may make this setup out of reach for many gamers on a budget. Additionally there is no support for mobile devices at this time so you are limited to using PC only when playing with this device.

The Iristick G2 is a smartphone-based augmented reality headset offering 426x240px resolution and 60 Hz refresh rate . It doesn’t require any additional hardware besides your smartphone (which also serves as its display) to work properly making it much more accessible than other VR options currently on the market . Additionally , because all AR experiences are designed specifically around your individual phone you don’t need special programming knowledge or dedicated development software like what’s needed with other platforms .

Pros: The Iristick G2 is incredibly affordable compared to other VR solutions due mainly to not needing any additional hardware besides your smartphone . And since most people already own smartphones , the barrier to entry with this platform is extremely low . Plus , since all AR experiences are tailored towards your individual phone you can get started quickly without having to learn specialized software development skills first . Finally , AR apps often offer interesting ways in which they interact with real world objects giving you new opportunities that aren’t available through traditional VR games or experiences .

Cons: Due to being powered by smartphones rather than PCs or consoles , this platform doesn’t quite offer the same level of visual fidelity seen in other devices such as Rift S , HTC Vive Cosmos Elite etc… Furthermore , due to the relatively lower resolution most content looks blurry if viewed up close which can be uncomfortable if you try using them over longer periods of time . Lastly , because AR relies heavily on recognizing real world items they don’t always appear correctly when viewing certain objects from odd angles resulting in some strange interactions between objects appearing incorrectly within apps/games etc…

After comparing both products side by side I would recommend either product depending on what type of user you are looking for - those who want something inexpensive but powerful should opt for Iristick G2 whereas those wanting more control & flexibility should choose Varjo Aero instead . Ultimately both headsets offer great experiences just one takes up less space & money than the other !

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Varjo AeroIristick G2
Model NameAeroG2
Release Date21102021102021
Country of OriginFinland
CategoryPC VRSmartphone AR
Field of View115°
Resolution2880 x 2720 px (per eye)426x240
Refresh Rate90 Hz60 Hz
Display TypeLCD Monocular display
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel Core i5-4590, Intel Xeon E5-1620, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X equivalent or better
Min. Graphics RequiredNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/2060, NVIDIA RTX A2000 or NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000
Min. RAM Required8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft Windows
Weight487 g + headband 230 g157g
Dimensions300 x 200 x 170 mm72 x 160 x 10 mm
Room Scale?YES
360 Tracking?YES
Positional Tracking?YES
Eye Tracking?YES
Cooling SystemYES
IPD Adjustment?YES
Display Port?YES

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