Lenovo Explorer vs Acer AH101

When you compare the Lenovo Explorer to the Acer AH101 you can see which VR Headset is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of VR Headset out ontop.

Acer AH101Acer AH101


Based on 5 reviews

What VR Headset is better?

After closely reviewing the two virtual reality headsets – the Lenovo Explorer and Acer AH101 – I can comfortably say that both devices offer a very satisfying user experience. When it comes to specifications, both of these models are comparable in terms of their field of view, refresh rate and room-scale capabilities.

When looking at the resolution specs, however, the Lenovo Explorer stands out from its rival with its 2880 x 1440 px resolution compared to the Acer AH101’s 1400 x 1400 px resolution. This provides an overall sharper and more vivid image for the user when using this headset. Furthermore, Lenovo requires an Intel Mobile Core i5 Dual-Core with Hyperthreading processor compared to Acer’s slightly more demanding Intel Core i5/AMD FX 8350. Although this isn’t necessarily a con for either model, it does mean that users may need a higher end machine in order to run certain applications or games on their headset if they have an Acer AH101.

In terms of operating system compatibility, both headsets run off Microsoft Windows but I did find that some features were easier to access on Lenovo due to better optimization with Windows 10 Mixed Reality support as opposed to having just basic PCVR support with Acer AH101. This was especially apparent when trying out room scale experiences as I felt like there was less latency when using apps such as The Lab on my Lenovo headset versus on my Acer one which had slower loading times when navigating between different levels/activities within each scene.

Overall speaking, both VR headsets are great options for anyone looking into getting into VR gaming without breaking the bank! In my opinion, however, I would definitely recommend going for the Lenovo Explorer if you have access to a mid-to-high range machine as it will really make use of all those extra specs and provide you with a much more immersive experience than what you would get from an Acer device – not only due to its improved visuals but also thanks to its better optimization support on Windows 10 Mixed Reality Platform!

Specs comparison between the two VR Headsets

Lenovo ExplorerAcer AH101
Model NameExplorerAH101
Release Date20172017
Country of OriginChinaTaiwan
CategoryPC VRPC VR
Battery Life12 h
Field of View110°100°
Resolution2880 × 1440 px1400 × 1400 px (per eye)
Refresh Rate90 Hz90 Hz
Display TypeLCD LCD
Minimum Requirements
Min. CPU RequiredIntel Mobile Core i5 Dual-Core with HyperthreadingIntel Core i5/AMD FX 8350
Min. Graphics RequiredIntel HD Graphics 620 (GT2)Nvidia GTX 965M/AMD RX 460M
Min. RAM Required8 GB8 GB
Operating SystemsMicrosoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows
Weight380 g350 g
Dimensions185 × 95 × 102 mm95.8 × 94.8 × 106.59 mm
Room Scale?YESYES
360 Tracking?YESYES
Positional Tracking?YESYES
Front Camera?YES
Eye Tracking?No
Usable with Glasses?YESYES
Cooling SystemNo
Built in Headphones?No
Built in Microphone?NoYES
Flip Visor?YESYES
Voice Command?YES
IPD Adjustment?YES
Lens to Eye Adjustment?YES
Display Port?YES

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